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How has the pandemic affected pricing? We asked mobiles from around the world and they told us why they’re holding their ground — or increasing them.

Dave Gilbert, South Carolina
Our prices went up, just like everything else in our lives. Very little resistance. You’re always going to encounter price shoppers and I just let those go. Many will learn a hard lesson.

Robert Bailey, Occasion Nation, Chester, West Virginia
New company. Not lowering prices. I’m about the highest in my market. I don’t haggle pricing. Actually, we’re planning to raise our prices soon. Booking are so solid that we’re missing out on higher-paying work because I’m already booked. So today’s quote is only good for 30 days.

Powell Jamie, Toronto, Ontario
We charge them more because of the pandemic. Tell them your costs have increased, because that’s what the millionaires and billionaires do with their own companies.

Steve Moody, Entertainment Connection, Maryland
Our prices actually went up to fit demand. I’ll also say we’ve done more weeknight weddings than ever before, since so many displaced couples are now not able to get their venues on weekends. It’s mostly destination wedding here, for out-of-towers want to have their weddings at Water Front venues on the Chesapeake Bay.

Karl Mohr, Mohr Fun Events, Boone, North Carolina
Prices doubled from 2019.

Steve Quinney, North Carolina
In my market I’m used to people, the locals for sure, wanting champagne at blue ribbon prices.

David James Cramptom, DJC Events, Sydney, Australia
I’m not dropping my rates at all. In fact, I’ve increased them slightly because we need to compensate for the lost business from last year. And I’m surprised that more DJs aren’t thinking that way, but unfortunately there’s actually DJs in my local market that have ridiculously dropped their prices to get business. Which is the worst thing that can be done, as it’s lowering the market price and setting a precedence for lower prices (which is doing more harm than good), and in most cases it’s m going to make it more difficult and longer to recover from 2020.

Ralph Hunter, Then & Now Entertainment, Baltimore, Maryland
My prices are my prices regardless of Covid. The only special are those I may be running (sometimes 10%).

Lenny Laino Jr., Xplosive Sounds Entertainment, Chicago, Illinois
We also were hurting during the pandemic, but I stick to my prices no matter what. I’ll not undervalue myself or my business.

Rick McClean, Cut Loose Entertainment, Canton, Georgia
To customers who are seeking the rock-bottom price, I’d to ask for the moon and only pay pennies for it. It’s always best to let them go, as they’d be a pain to work with—and probably even leave a bad review later. It’s always best to find those people who understand the value that you’re providing to them.
