We are pumped about the recent NJ announcements On Friday, June 4, indoor gathering limits will be removed.
(Health & Safety will remain our number one priority)
• Businesses can open at full capacity indoors and outdoors.
• Establishments do not need to limit occupancy.
• Individuals or groups do not need to remain six feet apart.
• The State no longer requires face coverings for most indoor public spaces.
• Provide approved sanitization materials for employees and visitors.
It is time for our community to come together, to SEE HEAR & CONNECT, focusing on the future, to support and ensure the health of our industry.
It is time for DJX!
Hotel availability is becoming limited, book your rooms now! For the very latest on DJ Expo, please visit www.thedjexpo.com.
We are excited to see you in August and as always, know we are here at anytime if you have any thoughts or questions.
DJ Times Magazine is copyright © 2021 by DJ Publishing, Inc. www.djtimes.com