Looking for ways to mine your midweek days for gold and fill your calendar—and your wallet? Come to the International DJ Expo on Aug. 16-19 at the Trump Taj Mahal to find out how.
Boston-based DJ Terry Moran, who’ll be moderating “Mining for Mid-Week Gold,” fills his calendar in a variety of ways: Beer Pong; Trivia (“We have 250 bars a week right now,” says Moran. “I have 12 of my own every week that brings in more than $1,000 a week, great mid-week money.”)
Tradeshow rentals of plasmas and truss ($300 a pop); digital signage/video production for trade shows/concerts (“We run a loop of a marketing video on my plasma $300-$500 a pop) mid-week at the house of blues and various venues that have big screens.”)
Fundraiser package (“This includes running a big screen with photos, sponsors, digital signage, video and scrolling screen. The DJ, host and I include a silent auction for sports memorabilia at a discounted rate. I split the profits with the charity for the silent auction.”)
Video Memories presentation (VMP). (“This is usually done for funeral homes. I visit the family, get the pics, scan and create a 5-8 minute loop for them of their loved one. Some funeral homes have plasmas, and some I rent them out. I charge $675 for the VMP and $199 for the plasma rental.”)